Who Is Responsible for Black Friday Injuries? Shopping Injured Me More Than My Wallet.

Black Friday has continued to grow in popularity, and there are some scary facts out there including Black Friday death statistics. Between 2006 and 2018, according to the Hustle, there were 11 deaths and over 100 injuries caused by Black Friday panic and precautions not being taken.   black friday incidents

How to Avoid Black Friday Incidents and Accidents

Stores should take preventative methods to ensure that Black Friday accidents don’t occur. There may be Black Friday Incidents, caused by shoppers getting competitive or even violent, or you might experience Black Friday accidents, things caused by rushing around, for example.

Las Vegas Slip and Fall Accidents

Some of the common types of accidents that can be seen when stores get busy are Las Vegas slip and fall accidents. If a store has not taken precautions against spillages or provided slip and fall warnings by hazardous steps or potential trip hazards, for example. Shops can take precautions by cleaning properly, not allowing floors to get wet in busy times, and putting the appropriate signs in place.

What to Do If a Black Friday Incident Has Happened

If an incident has already happened on Black Friday and you feel like you may have a legal case, you can contact a lawyer to discuss your case and try to establish blame. Any evidence you can collect is bound to be very useful if a case is built against a store or an individual, such as police reports and CCTV footage.

What are the Legal Outcomes of Black Friday Injuries?

There are a number of different legal outcomes of Black Friday injuries. There are five different common injuries that occur on Black Friday:

  • Injuries with vehicles on the parking lot
  • Injuries involving shopping carts
  • Boxes and heavy products falling
  • Fights and arguments

If The Blame is With an Individual

Sadly, Black Friday incidents often stem from disagreements or even fights breaking out. If there is one particular person who has caused you distress, then you may need to alert the police and mount a case against that person. You may be able to sue for damages or treatments required as a result. It’s very important that you contact the police and try to get statements and evidence of what has occurred. The person who has hurt you might end up with a criminal record, and have to pay out fees and penalties.

If The Blame is With The Store

If you have visited a store and been unfortunate enough to get injured, it is important that you work out if there is any blame attached. You might have a legal case against the store. A business with a physical premise you can visit has legal responsibilities, including:

  • Providing a safe space for you to shop.
  • Store owners must inspect the store for hazards regularly.
  • Improper maintaining of the property.

Examples of this could be if the store has not taken specific precautions, or if they might be judged to be negligent. On Black Friday, negligence could come in the form of letting too many people in the store, or stacking shelves in a way that makes it probable that something can fall on you.   If you have any suspicions at all that you might have been the victim of negligence or that the store owners have not taken the right precautions, you should try to collect evidence of this. Even taking some photos or videos can be a way to show if a store was not kept safe for the customers.   Taking legal advice from personal injury lawyers is also a good idea. They are likely to have seen this sort of thing before and can tell you whether you do indeed have a case.   If you suffer an injury that could have been avoided if the store had stuck to their legal responsibilities, then it might be the case that you need to go to court to prove it. If it is found that the store is, in fact, responsible, you might be entitled to financial reparations. On top of that, the store will have to make changes to avoid the same thing happening to anyone else.   If you’ve been injured in the Las Vegas area on Black Friday, you might be looking for a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas to help you to build your case.


You’ve probably seen the videos of crazy queues and people pushing and shoving to try and get access to the best deals on Black Friday. You don’t think that going to the store should have any sort of hazard attached to it, but on Black Friday there is a real risk. If you are unfortunate and get injured, it might be time to find a personal injury lawyer to build your case.